Overview of Immigration Scams:
U.S. immigration law is complicated, and acquiring certain immigration benefits can take a considerable amount of time. Unfortunately, some people use these realities to scam unknowing victims. Immigration scams can take many forms and may involve, among others,
- Deceiving and lying to clients about possible immigration benefits;
- Guaranteeing an immigration result and being able to expedite a case;
- Overcharging clients;
- Stealing money from clients; and,
- Abandoning clients before completion of the work.
Luckily, most immigration scams have one thing in common, making them easier to avoid: they are usually perpetrated by people and organizations whom are not allowed to advise or represent immigration clients in the first place.
Get the Right Help:
The best way to avoid falling prey to an immigration scam is to seek advice from the right source. If you need legal advice or representation on a U.S. immigration matter, by law, only an eligible “attorney in good standing” or an “accredited representative” can give you legal advice. It is actually illegal, punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment, for anyone else to give immigration advice or represent immigration clients. Moreover, authorized attorneys and accredited representatives are not only trained to give legal advice, but they are also bound by many rules meant to protect the client. Accordingly, if a client is wronged or an unforeseen issue arises with your case, options are usually available to rectify the wrong and the attorney will not simply abandon the client.
To determine if a person is an eligible “attorney in good standing” or an “accredited representative,” please click here.
Resources to Avoid Scams:
For more resources to help you avoid immigration scams, click here.
Our Licenses, Bar Admissions, and Diplomas:
The Law Office of Van R. Ngo, LLC, is a fully-licensed, American-based law firm. To learn more about our licenses, bar admissions, and diplomas, please click here.
Contact Us:
If you have have been the victim of a scam or have any further questions on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact us. You may contact us by clicking here.